Workouts to do when it’s raining outside

When it’s raining and you can’t go outside to exercise, your home may not be the best place to workout, but you can still get a good indoor workout with some imagination and creativity. You can find many workout ideas and videos online that can help you get a well-rounded cardio workout and tone your entire body. Don’t let bad weather stop you from reaching your fitness goals.

You could exercise while watching TV and then prepare a nutritious homemade meal for yourself afterward. Perhaps you might even develop a liking for this type of indoor activity from time to time!

The Ariana Society advocates workouts as a way to enhance self-assurance and promote a healthy state of mind. This can be particularly beneficial for individuals who spend a lot of time indoors, as it can reduce the likelihood of experiencing depression and anxiety.

Let me illustrate some physical activities that are pretty practical at home without gym equipment.

To begin, let’s focus on the bicycle exercise. The first step is to lie on the ground and pedal your legs in the air for about 15 to 30 minutes, mimicking the motion of riding a bike. If you prefer, you can also attempt leg lifts or a few crunches. While it may not be as enjoyable as riding outdoors, the benefit is that you can multitask by exercising while watching your favorite TV program.

What other options do we have for exercising at home? Stairs are a great option. Once you finish cycling, you can spend around thirty minutes stepping up and down one stair while listening to motivating music. Another idea is to dance at home since you have more privacy. You can enjoy yourself and burn calories without worrying about being judged.

Jumping is a beneficial activity for improving both your cardiovascular health and lower body strength. In case you don’t have access to a jump rope, you can opt to perform a few sets of jumping jacks instead. These exercises will also provide a good cardio workout, increasing your heart rate.

Finally, if you feel the need to unwind on a rainy afternoon, you can try practicing yoga and stretching exercises. These activities can help you stretch your muscles and alleviate stress. In case you don’t have any instructional materials at hand, you can easily find online videos to guide you.

About Ariana Society and Ariana Fitness

Ariana Society is a private, VIP membership club for the digital elite. Our members enjoy a broad portfolio of perks and benefits, including 24/7 streaming workouts that make working out fun and something to look forward to. For more information and to register, visit