Meditation as Part of Yoga

Meditation plays a significant role in yoga, serving as a reliable method for attaining mental clarity and overall well-being. It is worth noting that there exist different forms of meditation practices tailored to both novice and experienced yoga practitioners. 

It is essential to thoroughly examine the specific details and guidance associated with each technique in order to derive optimal benefits from meditation. However, it can also be beneficial to explore multiple styles and experiment to determine which approach resonates best with you.
Note: Ariana Society members have access to full, streaming yoga classes 24/7, so you can easily find and try the right style for you. 

Yoga and Meditation address every aspect of your existence, encompassing your connections to both the external world and your inner self. They encompass the senses, physical body, breath, various levels of the mind, and the deeper realms often referred to as spirit, soul, consciousness, or self. Additionally, the relaxation method called Transcendental Meditation has been found to potentially lower blood pressure and alleviate insulin resistance in individuals diagnosed with coronary heart disease.

Here are some suggestions on how to incorporate meditation into your yoga practice:

  • Prior to beginning your meditation session, release any concerns or anxieties from your mind.
  • Find a peaceful environment where you are unlikely to be interrupted.
  • If feasible, establish a consistent time and location for your meditation practice.
  • Concentrate on the act of meditation and avoid becoming distracted by other thoughts. However, if your mind does wander, don’t be alarmed as this is normal.
  • Attempt to establish a rhythmic breathing pattern.
  • Strive to maintain a straight alignment of your head, back, and neck.

About Ariana Society
Ariana Society is a VIP membership club for the digital elite.  Among numerous other benefits, members receive unlimited access to Ariana Fitness, which includes streaming workouts, yoga classes and meditation sessions.  For more information or to sign up, visit