The Power of a Webinar

You’ve no doubt seen webinars before… they’re absolutely nothing new.  In fact, businesses have been using webinars to nurture leads, generate buzz and keep customers happy for more than a decade. 

But have you wondered why webinars have this kind of longevity?  It’s because they’re extremely powerful tools for your business.  Let’s take a look at why:

Nurture Leads
You’ve done all the hard work in capturing a lead’s attention, but how do you close the sale?  In the olden days, a business may rely on an infomercial or possibly mail a video to customers to deliver loads of information and showcase their products. In the timeshare and travel industry, leads may even be required to come in to the property and listen to a sales presentation.  This approach was productive, but not at all cost effective.

Enter the webinar.

Once a lead responds to an ad, today’s modern lead nurture process may well call for asking the lead to attend a webinar.  This short online presentation is your tool for delivering a ton of persuasive information about your product or service to seal the deal… and to quite a large audience  (The Ariana Society webinar tool, for example, can support thousands of online attendees).

In many cases, you may incentivize people to attend your webinar with some kind of discount, a free giveaway, a raffle or something similar.  Many sales processes in the travel industry, for example, offer attendees a free stay at a resort property… usually the same property the company is trying to promote.

Generate Buzz
A webinar can be a powerful tool for getting people excited about your product or service.   Many service businesses use webinars to dole out helpful information that they may charge clients for otherwise.  These free tidbits help demonstrate the value of the service, and the webinars often end with a pitch to contact the business and become a customer.

In the age of Covid, many businesses also rely on webinars to deliver exciting content to their potential customers. Entertainment-related businesses, for example, may sponsor a free live concert that their target audience is likely to enjoy, then include promotional pitches throughout the performance.

Connect with Customers
Once a customer is on board, webinars can still be very useful in keeping them happy (and persuading them to keep paying).  You can use a webinar to introduce new services, explain how to use popular features, demonstrate products or just remind your customers that they’re important to you.

And, of course, you can ask them to buy more from you in the process. 😉

About Ariana Society
Ariana Society is a private, VIP membership club for the digital elite. Among numerous other benefits–including group-buying discounts, streaming yoga and workout classes, life coaching and more–Ariana Society members enjoy exclusive pricing on the Entrepreneur Power Bundle that includes unlimited web hosting, discounted domain name registration, our proprietary webinar platform, and unlimited access to the Ariana Desk marketing automation suite. For more information, or to sign up, please visit