Going back in time, a colleague suddenly asked me if any of us are rich. And one of the friends who were present answered: “No, we are not rich in money; we are rich in love,” to which I replied, “That’s right, we have everything we could want.”
It shows how we consider our achievements, how lucky we are, and how life has treated us. Maybe someone else’s answer would be about the most expensive apartments or cars they own.
Who cares if you’re a millionaire? Are you rich in love?
Being rich in love has many beautiful meanings, and for me, it means living surrounded by friends and family, who give meaning to our lives.
Some things that come to mind when I think of wealth are family members, friends, faith, activities, ambitions, adventures, careers, and pets.
Money is essential to living for each of us, but is it possible to buy happiness with it? Yes and no. Instead of having money as a priority, it is more important to focus on how to be rich in love and to fill memories with beautiful and grateful moments that we have with family and friends.
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